Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

It’s back to school time, and time to remember to drive carefully around school zones.

Gunnedah Shire Council Manager Community Safety Wade Berryman said the start of the school year was a busy time on the roads as students and parents navigated new schools or returned to school.

“Many children are starting at a new school, and there will be confusion about where to go and how to get there,” Mr Berryman said.

“It is important for all of us to remember to be patient with other drivers, always be on the lookout for pedestrians, and to follow the road and parking rules.

“Drivers should allow plenty of time, familiarise themselves with the parking and school zones, and accept they may not be able to park right outside the school. The first priority is safety.”

Transport for NSW Executive Director Transport Safety Chadi Chalhoub, said although some schools have School Development Days between Friday, 31 January and Wednesday, 5 February (inclusive), other schools do not and will have children returning during that time, so it’s important that motorists are aware school zones will be in place.

“After six weeks of school holidays, school zones are back tomorrow to ensure students attending school in those four days are safe and to prepare drivers for when all students are back to school across most of the state on Thursday, 6 February.

“For students in the Western Division of the state, the school term will start a week later – and school zones will be in place from Friday 7 February. 

“Children are some of our most vulnerable road users and can be unpredictable on the road, so please look out for them when they are crossing, waiting to cross or as they get on or off buses or in and out of vehicles,” Mr Chalhoub said. 

Some tips for safe driving and parking when travelling to and from school:

  • Always follow the road rules and signs
  • Do not expect to park close to your school – drop-off and pick-up times are busy. You might need to park further away and walk your child to school
  • Know where the school speed zones are and where parking is available around the school
  • Remember not to:
    • Park across driveways;
    • Park within 3m of a double centre line;
    • Park on a path or nature strip;
    • Park within 10m of an intersection;
    • Stop at a no stopping or no parking area;
    • Park or stop in a bus or taxi zone; or
    • Double park.

To find out more about parking rules in New South Wales, visit

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