Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

In a massive boost for community sport and women’s sport, the NSW Government has announced that sport clubs across NSW can now apply for more funding under the Local Sport Grant Program, and apply for funding to ‘level the playing field’ to boos female participation.

The Local Sport Grant Program provides $4.65 million funding to NSW sporting organisations with $50,000 available per electorate and grants up to $20,000 available to individual clubs.

In 2022/23 $3.5 million was awarded for 592 projects, including development clinics, uniforms and sporting equipment.

NSW Minister for Sport Steve Kamper said the NSW Government understands the vital role community sport plays in keeping people healthy, active and socially connected.

“This Program will provide vital funds to community sport groups to purchase new equipment, improve facilities and deliver programs that enable people of all ages and abilities to participate and enjoy the benefits of sport and active recreation.”

“So, if there is a project or program your club has been wanting to deliver, I encourage you apply for a grant and take advantage of this fantastic opportunity.”

This follows the Minns Government’s significant investment in grassroots sporting organisations including $30 million to providers of grassroots sport through the Level the Playing Field Program to support the continued growth of women’s and girls’ sport and recreation.

Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson has welcomed the announcement of the Level Playing Field Program. The Level Playing Field Program is open to providers of grassroots sports to fund new and upgraded facilities, and deliver fit-for-purpose amenities, like changerooms and lighting.

“This funding aims to provide new or upgrade existing sport amenities together with new and upgraded lighting to support more women and girls to train and compete in sport in a safe and inclusive environment.

Applications in the 2023/24 Local Sport Grant Program close 27 November 2023. For further information visit:

Applications for the Level Playing Field Program close on 30th November. Details including eligibility criteria and the online application process, are available at

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