Mon. Feb 17th, 2025

Gunnedah Shire Library will close its doors to the public for two weeks so a refurbishment can be carried out.

The Library will be closed from Monday, 24 April to Friday, 5 May and reopen on Monday, 8 May with a fresh new look.

Some Library services will still be available during the closure including Housebound and Shopbound deliveries and some JP services. Brain Training will also go ahead on Mondays at 10.30am and 3.30pm in the ACE building which is located behind the Library.

“As the space is so actively used, many of the current fittings have reached the end of their life and need to be replaced,” Gunnedah Shire Librarian Christiane Birkett said.

The refurbishment will include new shelving, tables, chairs, computer desks, computer chairs, study desks, circulation desk, cupboards, and office desks. The new fittings will feature wheels, enabling staff to easily reconfigure spaces as needed to best fit programs and activities.

“Works will also include the addition of seating booths, extra computer terminal seating, extra tables and chairs, interior painting and new blinds.”

The refurbishment is expected to cost approximately $95,000 and is fully funded by the Public Library Funding Strategy which is distributed by the State Library of NSW. This is an annual subsidy targeted at library projects.

“Gunnedah Shire Library is a well-used community space with 4000 active borrowers and approximately 1000 people passing through its doors each week,” Mrs Birkett said.

“The library offers many services including printing, Housebound Delivery Service and free public access computers.”

“Library staff also facilitate numerous activities, including Book Buddies, Brain Training and pre-school visits.”

“The services provided by the library are very popular and highly valued by the community.”

“The refurbishment is necessary to ensure the library remains a vibrant and active space catering to the various needs of the community.”

“We look forward to showing off our fresh new look when we open our doors again on Monday, 8 May.”

Top image: Library Technician Robyn Draper, Library Assistant Brittany Riley and Librarian Christiane Birkett.